Our webSite

Our website uses the web host Green Geeks. Green Geek’s mission is to be a leader in green hosting. Their best practices allow our website to be 300% green. Green Geeks goes beyond achieving ‘carbon neutral’ and commit to actions that achieve the status of ‘carbon reducers.’ 

To find out how you can get your website to 300% green, visit the affiliate add below.

Wood stickers

The wood stickers sold on TLB are sustainably sourced. All products are printed, cut, and packaged in the USA to our company. The wood materials used to create the stickers are FSC certified. 

All products are shipped with sustainable materials. Most stickers are sent in 100% recycled content and FSC certified sourced envelopes. 

The sticker’s clear packaging (cellophane based), the stickers (no micro-plastics), and most shipping material are compostable.